Our Story

Pleasant View Hotel is a serie of open-house hotel inspired by the diversity and originality of the hill side scenes that surround us.

Since 2017

Accommodation prices in PVH are affordable, and guests can rest assured that they will be treated very well.


Pleasant View Enterprise Limited is a company that was inspired by the vision of the late Albino Olango, a renounced businessman in Kitgum district. The late Albino Olango was commonly referred to as Ladit Oleo. The late Mzee Oleo was a hardworking businessman and a role model to many. As a father, he strived to educate his children to a good level of education for them to secure a bright future in Life.

He inspired his third-born daughter to invest in the hospitality industry by establishing a hotel to take advantage of the opportunity for business in the strategically located northern Uganda town of Kitgum. The hotel is located on the side of Hill Top with a very beautiful green scenery view overlooking First Jenge (Irene Gleeson School) all the way to the Lamola area, and visitors can enjoy the lovely view with a fresh breeze from the hill. Hence, this is how the name “Pleasant View Hotel” came up. The Pleasant View Hotel is also commonly referred to by its nickname, “Hotel Pa Oleo,” by the locals.



Our Joy

Pleasant View Enterprise Ltd. was not only developed to attain revenue or profit but also to create an opportunity for the people that needed it. We wish to give back to the community by creating employment opportunities for the local population in Kitgum and other people from various places and origins.




We employ and support vulnerable members of the community in PVH. For example, PVH employs single mothers, youth, and other people who are stigmatized in the community due to the conditions they find themselves in.

In order to empower these staff to support themselves and their families, PVH has an HR policy of equal opportunity for everyone who qualifies and employs based on merits giving every person an equal opportunity.

Pleasant View Hotel is in Lagoro Road, Acut Amer, Pandwong Division Kitgum municipality. The accommodation at PVH is nice, with comfortable beds, clean rooms, and rooms with a TV. PVH has 24 self-contained rooms with an outside-opening balcony that allows guests to enjoy the view of the hills and the environment.


Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children